I am Yati

I am a web developer. Well atleast what I want to be. I have created severel websites using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, javascript, jQuery, etc. Currently I am a front end web developer but I want to learn and practice the other end of website building. I also learnt UI/UX designing and in future want to create mobile app designs. I love to watch movies,web series and listen to songs. When I am bored, I love to read books as well. I love to eat pizza. Whenever my friends plan to get pizza, I always keep myself around them haha. My strengths are Strategic Thinking, Focussed, Creative, Confident etc.My people skills are my greatest strength. I find it easy to connect with almost anyone, and I often know how to empathize with others in an appropriate way. My weakness is I cannot concentrate elsewhere if I have been given assignment or project, that's why I fail to be a social person, but I have been working on this and I have felt myself improving.

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